verify Your Lost Mary


The LOST MARY Anti-Counterfeit Campaign aims to prevent and eradicate the distribution of counterfeit products. LOST MARY is rigorously monitoring all retail channels, and any violators found will be prosecuted.

Enter the 18-digit security code or scan the QR code via your phone to verify.
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How to get the code?

Locate the holographic label and QR code on the side of the box.
Simply enter the security code into the verification tool above.
or alternatively, scan the QR code on the side of the box. This takes you to
The verification process is quick and straightforward and takes between 5-10 seconds.
If you already have a number, verify it manually using the form above.

1. Scratch of the coating to reveal the code.
2. Enter the 18 digit code or scan the QR code via phone to verify.
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